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Burnt to a Crisp and All Dried Up…or so we think 🤔

Whew! Incase you haven’t noticed - Ohio is in a drought, a big drought! If you have dirt for a lawn, you might be in a drought! If your lawn is looking a little parched and a tad bit crispy, a drought might be the culprit!

So, what exactly is a drought? A drought is a period of drier than normal conditions with little to no precipation, resulting in inadequate water supply, especially for vegetation. And Ohio has been in a drought for over 30 days, with no end in sight! In fact, this is the worst drought Ohio has experienced since 1988. Droughts have major impacts on wildlife, vegetation and crops and the USDA has already declared a natural disaster in certain Ohio counties.

What does this mean for the average homeowner? Expect higher prices on fruits and veggies in the coming months,and maybe some shortages. Lawns will be (probably already are) drying up, leaves may fall sooner and plants and trees will appear stressed. While Clippers Lawn Care can’t do much to help with food costs, we can help with maintaining a healthy lawn at home!

What can you do to help your lawn and landscape at home in a drought? Water, Water, Water!! Periods of deep watering can drastically curb the effects of a drought on your lawn and gardens. So get those sprinklers out and water away! Aeration can also help your lawn by breaking up compact soil to allow for oxygen and water penetration. Your soil is likely dry and hard, so it is important to use a professional service and commercial grade machines to properly aerate your lawn. Just so happens, the Clippers Crew can help with that!

But you may be asking, what’s the point? Your grass is already dead, right? Actually, while grass may be brown, not growing and seemingly dead, it is actually pretty hardy and can sustain a drought. If your lawn is looking a little less than pretty and burnt to a crisp, it most likely has gone dormant, but roots are still thriving! It will come back! Which is why it is so important to take steps now, even in a drought, to protect and sustain your vegetation’s health.

Fun Fact - Quite a few plants are drought tolerant, here are few of our favorites:

  • Coneflower

  • Lavender

  • Eastern Redbud

Since there is no end in sight in the near future, we recommend consistent watering. You will be surprised at how quickly your yard perks up! In the mean time, stay cool, stay hydrated and contact your Clippers Crew for any and all of your landscaping needs!

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